What Mom’s Really Want for Mother’s Day

We did a survey with moms out there to see what they’d really like to receive for Mother’s Day. Reading the feedback was quite surprising, we bet you were expecting flowers, chocolates or shoes (women can never have enough shoes), but no! Surprisingly just simply receiving some TLC was all they need.

Some answers were “Enjoying the sunset with my family” or “Getting a facial with my daughter”. Regardless of what they said, it always revolved around rest and spending quality time with loved ones. After all they did spend a year of quarantine working and taking care of the kids, it definitely wasn’t easy. It’s time we give back, and gift mom the rest and care they truly deserve.

That being said, we have created a step-by-step guide to ensure your mama receives the best luxurious spa day at home, that way she can be well rested and get that spa treatment she’s been yearning for. Get ready to treat your superwoman like royalty!

Step 1. Prepare Your Ambiance

Make sure your home is set up with the aroma smelling like roses. Prepare some freshly laundered towels, flowers and candles to achieve that spa vibe. Add in some music, maybe play some tunes from your mom’s old days, it would be nice to take her down memory lane. Oh and don’t forget some candy for that special touch!

Make sure your home is set up with the aroma smelling like roses. Prepare some freshly laundered towels, flowers and candles to achieve that spa vibe. Add in some music, maybe play some tunes from your mom’s old days, it would be nice to take her down memory lane. Oh and don’t forget some candy for that special touch!

Step 2. Have a good skincare system set up

You’ll want to give mom the best products so she can wake up the next morning feeling rejuvenated and fresh. Start by cleaning her face with our Myufull Natural Cleansing.

Next you’ll want to use our Myufull Natural Lotion and make sure to massage it into her skin in a circular motion, just like how they would do at the spa so she can get the full experience.

After the lotion dries, follow with our Myufull Growth Factor Serum, this will get rid of her fine lines and unwanted scars. Make sure to also apply it around her eyes as well! This product contains growth factor serum so it will naturally boost collagen growth and bring back her youth!

Finally, last but not least, finish off with our Myufull Natural Pack to lock in all that moisture and give her that natural glow in the morning. The best thing about this product is she won’t even have to wash it off!

Step 3. Pamper Mom with a Massage

Complete your spa day with a neck or shoulder massage! Your mom will probably not be expecting this but wouldn’t it be nice to give her a special surprise? Not only will she be rejuvenated with glowing skin but also super relaxed after her massage. End the day off with a glass of bubbly and you’ll have the happiest mom in the world!

Have fun planning and we hope you and your mom have a wonderful Mother’s Day! Courtesy of the Oo Spa Family.

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