Why People are Choosing All-Natural Skincare vs. Traditional-Skincare

Have you noticed? The world is changing. People are becoming more conscious about what they are putting in their bodies and what they are putting on their skin.

Have you ever turned over a product to read the ingredient list only to find 20 or 30 ingredients that you had NO idea what they were? For most health conscious individuals, gone are the days where you’d pick up a product and purchase based off how attractive the packaging is. Our skin is our largest organ. It absorbs everything we put onto it, meaning those ingredients in your products are getting absorbed into your bloodstream. Once that happens, your lymphatic system absorbs and stores the toxins while your liver works on cleansing the blood of toxins. I don’t know about you – but we’d like to be able to pronounce the ingredients that are getting absorbed into our bodies.

The average women uses around 12 different beauty products per day (and that’s average!)

Skincare, body lotion, makeup, makeup removers, hair products and nail polish to name a few. If all these products contain fragrances, foreign oils and a cocktail of chemicals – your body needs to work overtime to detox.

Luckily – people are becoming more aware of this and are making conscious, informed choices to switch to products
that are not only safer, but also more effective.

For the past 3 decades, the research and development team at Myufull in Tokyo, Japan, has dedicated themselves to finding a solution to this issue that most people face these days when it comes to skincare products 

Products that not only DO NOT HARM the skin and limit its natural abilities, but also enhances and supports the skin natural processes.

The Myufull Skincare System is made from natural ingredients based on Traditional Japanese and East Asian principals which are gentle on the skin while providing the skin with the nutrients and support it needs to rejuvenate itself.

The Myufull Promise:

Oil – Free

Alcohol – Free

Chemical – Free

Mild Acidity

(to match the pH of your skin)

Shop the Myufull Skincare System HERE

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