The Skincare Must-Haves for Summer!

Summer… sunshine, hot weather, beach days and bathing suits.

We love the Summer here at Oo Spa, but that doesn’t necessarily mean our skin feels the same. Hot, dry weather can cause havoc on our skin and prolonged exposure to harmful UV rays speeds up your skin’s aging process.

Luckily, we’re here to help you make sure you get through summer glowing, hydrated and most importantly, protected.

Our Myufull must-haves for silky smooth Summer skin:

Myufull Natural Lotion

Our Myufull Natural Lotion is one of kind! It is made from 100% natural ingredients and is completely Oil-Free and Alcohol-Free. Our body produces enough oils, we don’t need to be adding any extras! We love this lotion for our face, but also our entire body. It is packed with botanical ingredients which provide natural protection. Don’t believe us? Check this out…we applied Myufull Natural Lotion on only half a piece of bread, and left the other half with nothing. Check out what happens after we put the bread in the toaster! The left side had no Myufull Natural Lotion while the right side did! Don’t be burnt toast this Summer, apply lotion.

Get your bottle HERE

Myufull ProtectGel

A little bit of love goes a long way with the all-natural Myufull PotectGel! We’ve all experienced the post-sunscreen breakouts, but not anymore! This water-resistant, SPF-17 sunscreen is oil-free, which in turn will not clog your pores. Another plus, Myufull ProtectGel will not leave a white tint! All you need is a pea sized amount and your skin will be protected from the harsh UV Rays that come with Summer. Here is a tip for the best overall coverage and support: mix a small amount of Myufull Natural Lotion with Myufull ProtectGel.

Get your bottle HERE

Watch our reel to see the toast experiment live HERE Try it yourself and share it with us on Social Media!

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